A benchmark value for used vehicles selling in the wholesale auctions with the vehicle quality in average condition. We've incorporated Vehicle History Report data to provide the most precise, VIN-specific adjustment.
To offer more precise VIN-specific valuations, Black Book sources and integrates vehicle history report data from AutoCheck. Our data science team analyzes millions of vehicle transactions to create a model that provides a History Adjusted Valuation based on the AutoCheck vehicle history report. All history events included on the Experian AutoCheck VHR are analyzed through the Black Book model. Improve sales conversions and turn times by precisely pricing vehicles for retail merchandising & during remarketing.
We exist to provide data and insights that allow you to make intelligent decisions every day. Precise data comes from combining advanced capabilities of our data scientists with industry expertise of our automotive analysts. That's why we understand the factors that go into your decision-making and the impact they can have on your business better than anyone else.
See the bigger picture with data and analytics, covering recent market trends that impact the automotive valuation industry. Gain better insights into vehicle depreciation with important vehicle valuation trends and auto ABS data. Learn new methods and ideas with actionable strategies and insights and stay abreast of what's happening in the marketplace.
Our flagship app that gives you the power to be the ultimate decision maker. We comb through run lists and intelligently identify inventory that makes sense for you and your dealership, saving you time. Black Book's Cars of Particular Interest (CPI) Collectible Vehicle Value Guide offers pricing on vehicles dating from 1946 to current model years.
Reviews (3)
Jennifer Britton
Jan 27, 2019
Kevin K.
Nov 12, 2018
RC's (Raul's) customer service was excellent! He had a thorough understanding of, and familiarization with the product. He was patient, and took the time to demonstrate the product to me to make sure I was comfortable using the it before I made a final decision. I was glad I made the call, I didn't know how much more we could do with the online version of Black Book, and it will be extremely useful to our staff and members.
Fabricatore R. T.
May 27, 2018